सोमवार, 31 अक्टूबर 2016


Flipping through the past,
say my past, say recent past.

Happened to meet myself, on a lake,
the boat, the water, and me, looks fake?

fake, why?, that I know not,
Though real was water & boat.

That's not me, I can't be there anymore,
Water has flown, leaving behind the shore.

Every moment frozen in the past,
Not even it was first, but will even be last.

Struggle not, with the present, but adapt,
As this shall too pass, the reason to rapt.

Change is the only permanent option,
Real is NOW, as past is ready for adoption.

Om Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.


Penciled by:
Ajay Chahal 'Musafir'
Chennai, Bharat

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